
Are you an educator, a chef, a mom, a church group or a community leader seeking ways to teach kids and families a love of healthy food? Share Our Strength offers free educational tools for public use that built on the proven success of our signature cooking courses and grocery store tours.

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Cooking Matters for Chefs and Kids An easy-to-use guide that helps chefs and others provide hands-on instruction that will help kids develop a love of cooking and the skills to make healthy food choices wherever they go. Within the guide you will find a variety of resources to help you engage kids, including tips and advice for planning fun activities, materials lists and activity instructions, appealing and interactive recipes for kids, and fun handouts that supplement the lessons of each activity. We hope that you find this guide useful as you plan and carry out your activities with kids.. Exploring Food Together A toolkit of simple activities that adults who work with young children can use, in the classroom or in the home, to help young children learn about new foods and start building the skills to make healthy food choices. These field-tested, easy-to-use activities center around 5 basic food concepts: food identification and tasting; food purchasing; food preparation; food origins; and food culture.

(How's that for a run-on sentence?) There's a good page with the trigger adjustments at: Pilkington's TenP Hammerli International 208/211/214/215 page and they have a copy of the manual at: Factory Owner's Manual - 208 & 215 We've had some cold (a couple of nights in the 20's) and the tiniest bit of flurries (barely noticeable), but otherwise not too bad. Hammerli pistols. Shooting both international and bullseye each week. The stop should be free enough to move up and down unrestricted and the spring should put a definite tension in the downward direction to move it out of the way until the magazine follower overcomes that downward tension with upward pressure to engage the stop on extraction of the last round. Gearing up for a 10m PTO next month. Hi Orion, I can't see anything that the slide stop screw does to affect trigger weight.


All of the toolkit activities were designed to integrate well with overall curriculum objectives in early childhood education settings. Cooking Matters in Your Community A free guide to leading a food-based demonstration with adults, kids, teens, or families.

It can be used in any community by any individual. The guide provides simple instructions for planning and leading a demonstration, and includes tools like checklists, sample outlines, and culinary tips. It also contains a wealth of activities, handouts, and recipes to use at your demo.

Cooking Matters in your Food Pantry Cooking Matters is excited to provide this guide to give food pantries the tools they need to secure healthy foods for their pantries and offer food-based nutrition education to their clients. Cooking Matters in your Food Pantry is a free guide to planning, organizing and leading food pantry demos in your community. The toolkit provides sample outlines of several nutrition education lessons and activities that can be used in the food pantry setting, easily customized to the amount of time you have available for your demonstration. It also contains a wide selection of handouts and recipes to use at your demo and to send home with clients.

Cooking Matters Kids Handouts A series of short handouts chock-full of fun activities and recipes for school-aged kids. Each issue has a different theme, focused on healthy eating and cooking. These are great activities for parents, teachers, caregivers and volunteers to use with the children in their lives! Are you an educator, a chef, a mom, a church group or a community leader seeking ways to teach kids and families a love of healthy food? Share Our Strength offers free educational tools for public use that built on the proven success of our signature cooking courses and grocery store tours. Cooking Matters for Chefs and Kids An easy-to-use guide that helps chefs and others provide hands-on instruction that will help kids develop a love of cooking and the skills to make healthy food choices wherever they go. Within the guide you will find a variety of resources to help you engage kids, including tips and advice for planning fun activities, materials lists and activity instructions, appealing and interactive recipes for kids, and fun handouts that supplement the lessons of each activity.